Friday, February 22, 2013

Mayor Undersee

I'm fairly just a mayor; Mayor Undersee my attempt is to improve District 12, a district that had many problems and affairs. I opened each Reaping with his usual speech, along with the district's escort, Effie Trinket, kind of cool rite? But Effie can be a little hard on my sometimes like the time I tried to hug her but she just was so flippant and she barley manages to fend it off, but I think that’s just her and how she acts anyway I wasn't very strict about enforcing laws in the district, and I didn't have a taste for events such as public punishments. And I also regularly bought strawberries from Katniss Everdeen and Gale Hawthorne, even though their gathering of the fruit was technically illegal. But I felt bad for Katniss because she was brave enough to take her sisters place and she had to participate as tribute in the hunger games, she was also my daughters friend I can just feel how she felt watching her friend go up on the stage representing her district, it was so sad only if you can see her face, it was so upsetting. I don’t really think she wanted to go but she didn’t have no choice because she felt as thought she had to take her sisters place because it was her first year her name had got put into the bowl and so happen her name got drawn and she couldn’t bare to see her sister go into the hunger games its tuff.

Friday, February 15, 2013


We are peacekeepers, our names explains it all. We are a military police force controlled by the Capitol and with maintaining order, and we act as law enforcers in each district, led by a Head Peacekeeper who is the commander of each troops. We also ensure that the Capitol's laws are obeyed and punish those who break them, and serve as secret police, arresting political dissidents. We as Peacekeepers also form the bulk of the Capitol's army, serving as foot soldiers and piloting Hovercrafts, so here our jobs starts. Today is the day of the reaping ugh! It’s kind of heart breaking to see those young children getting picked to fight in the hunger games to death as people watch them on TV. And now it is time for Effie to pick them, as she picks them the first name she says is “Primrose Everdeen,” but her sister Katniss Everdeen wands up being brave enough to take her place as she shouts “I volunteer as tribute!,” I mean it was her sister first time her name was in the bowl out of thousands of name hers gets picked wow! And next boys and some weird looking boy gets pick it think his name was Peeta Melark, and so now we have to escort them to the training camp to train form the hunger games.

Effie Trinket

Today is the day! My favorite day of the year, because I am the escort of the capitol assigned to district twelve where everyone gathers around in the district for the reaping, where I pick one girl and of course ladies first, then I pick one boy out of a bowl from more than thousands of slips on names to see who will be picked as  tribute to fight in the hunger games. For those who don’t know what the huger games is it is a game which one boy and one girl from each of twelve different districts to play outdoors where they fight to the death on live TV, and people who are poor and starving are allowed to enter their name extra times in exchange for a yearly supply of grain and oil for one person. But to enter in the hunger games you have to be eleven years old and each year after that your name get added every year until it gets picked. So let’s began! Ladies first, *hand reaches into the bowl* Primrose Everdeen, as she is walking to the stage her sister is so brave to take her place as she shouts “I volunteer to tribute!” she is the first volunteers we ever had. Next is the boys *pulls out a name and reads it* Peeta Melark. And there we have it our two volunteers for district twelve. Happy hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favor.