Friday, February 15, 2013

Effie Trinket

Today is the day! My favorite day of the year, because I am the escort of the capitol assigned to district twelve where everyone gathers around in the district for the reaping, where I pick one girl and of course ladies first, then I pick one boy out of a bowl from more than thousands of slips on names to see who will be picked as  tribute to fight in the hunger games. For those who don’t know what the huger games is it is a game which one boy and one girl from each of twelve different districts to play outdoors where they fight to the death on live TV, and people who are poor and starving are allowed to enter their name extra times in exchange for a yearly supply of grain and oil for one person. But to enter in the hunger games you have to be eleven years old and each year after that your name get added every year until it gets picked. So let’s began! Ladies first, *hand reaches into the bowl* Primrose Everdeen, as she is walking to the stage her sister is so brave to take her place as she shouts “I volunteer to tribute!” she is the first volunteers we ever had. Next is the boys *pulls out a name and reads it* Peeta Melark. And there we have it our two volunteers for district twelve. Happy hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favor.

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